But that’s not what I’m writing about today, in my oh-so conversational tone (picked up on that yet?), instead I’m focusing on the topic of Variations on a Theme: What are your favourite games? Well, one of my favourite games is the interminable Starcraft. If you are a follower of The Brainy Gamer, Michael Abbot, then you’ll know that he recently posted on the power of the story of Starcraft and its rather prophetic nature – reflecting modern society in a game from 1997. While I agree with Michael that the story is a powerful factor in the attraction of the series, and I’d argue that S’Craft is one of the few games with an extremely tightly integrated story and internal game logic, that isn’t exactly what I’m talking about today.
Everyone who’s ever played or watched Starcraft played competitively knows that it can be extremely fast paced and, if done properly, a significantly strong ‘early game’ strategy like the Zerg Rush (hyperlink) (along with obligatory ‘kekeke’ or ‘I’m in ur base killin ur doods’) can give one player an early win. And yet, not all races are created equal – there is a reason after all why it’s called the Zerg rush.
So, the phenomena I’m talking about is, of course, Asynchronous Gameplay, and it’s by no means a S’Craft specific trait. The other well known Blizzard game that deploys Asynchronous gameplay is, of course Word of Warcraft, and It does it in a different manner. World of Warcraft sets up extremely efficiently in its PvE (Player versus Player Environment) content the idea of the ‘Holy Triad’. That is, the most effective 5 person group for an instance is comprised of 3 roles (look at that – another 3!) the DPS, the guys who kill the monsters; The healers, the guys who stop the other guys from getting killed by the monsters; and a Tank, the one guy who’s job it is to try and soak up all the damage so the healers only have to heal 1 person.
Now, Mr. Elrod says in his guidelines suggest to “focus in on a narrow approach” so, I’m going to peel back the skin, if you will, of S’Crafts Asynchronous nature to explore this idea a little bit more.
So, back to the Zerg rush. Let’s break down how the Zerg “rush” the enemy with their little Zerglings. To get to the stage of being able to build their first Zergling, a player has to build a relatively low number of buildings – they only really need a ‘spawning pool’ to be built before they can start to churn out little ‘lings of their own. Aww shucks.
Great, you say, let’s do that! Not so fast, Little Timmy, cause your Spawning Pool only lets you build a Zergling if you have the requisite population cap allowance. And you only get that by creating, not a building, but a unit called an Overlord (bear with me, those of you who already know all this stuff, there’s a purpose for it). At this point I also need to explain that the Zerg differs from your traditional RTS race in a very important way. The Zerg, you see, employ a non linear build order. This allows a Zerg player to start building a unit as soon as possible as determined by your resources, and NOT determined by the end of the production of a previous unit. This means that a Zerg player can be making an Overlord and another Zergling and then halfway through start another Zergling or Overlord, without requiring a whole ‘nuther Zergling specific making building. Ah, parallelism at work – the revolutionary nature of which is worth another post in itself.
But getting back to our Zerg rush. Little Timmy was just about to build a Spawning pool to make Zerglings and splatter the pre-pubescent base structures of his enemies, who are currently dreaming of their high tech, and high resource investment, Protoss Carriers. Let’s not let him get there. But wait. Timmy knows that if he wants to get enough Zerglings to splatter aforementioned base, he’s going to need resource collecting drones - and LOTS of them. Also, Timmy knows that his Spawning Pool costs 200 minerals, whereas a drone only costs 50. So Timmy is at a critical juncture as he really wants more of those minerals, but also wants Zerglings.
At this point, it is probably worth comparing the monetary investment for each race in order to just get to the Zergling equivalent level fighter. If the player were to take 1 builder unit and keep the rest on mineral gathering duty…
A Zerg player would need:
- 200 minerals for a Spawning Pool + time to build it
- 100 minerals for an Overlord to supplying his population cap + time to create it (note this process is parallel, and not one after the other – a feature unique to the Zerg and hence asynchronous.)
- Finally, 50 minerals for 2 (count ‘em!) little Melee fighter Zerglings that go Muurrllsskkk when you click on them.
A Terran player needs:
- 150 minerals for a Barracks + time to build it.
- 100 minerals for a Supply Depot to supply pop cap (note this process IS linear, not parallel)
- 50 minerals for just 1 ranged Marine.
Finally, a Protoss Player needs:
- 100 minerals for a pylon to provide pop and power the following (linear warp time)
- 150 minerals for a Gateway
- 100 minerals for a Zealot
Okay, so what is this telling us that we didn’t already know before? For starters, it all seems pretty even at this point. There are no clear winners, but they are not really showing the full picture. We still don’t know one important factor in this whole plan, and it’s the key to the success of Timmy’s Zerg Rush strategy – if I send my doods at your doods who’s gonna win?
Again, this is an extremely complicated question to answer, but to be wilfully reductive, let’s put my Zerglings up against your Protos.
Example 1:
Timmy has 2 Zerglings, because he decided to save money on them, to get more drones to make more Zerglings in the future.
Joe has 1 Protos Zealot, because he too wanted more minerals to make more Zealots in the future.
Timmy’s Zerglings attack Joe’s Zealot for 5 damage 2x cause there is 2 of them, and Joe’s Protoss hits 1 of the Zerglings back for a whopping 16 damage.
Ouch. That really hurt because Timmy’s Zerglings each have only 35 health, and in 2 hits, he’s gonna do 34 damage, leaving Mr. Zergling on 1 health. The Zealot, on the other hand, has 100 health, and 60 shield on top. Man, you can see where this is going, can’t you.
Assuming that a Zergling attacks at around twice the speed of a single Zealot, it’s gonna have killed both Zerglings in 6 hits. In that time, it’s taken either 5 or 6 hits from the 1st Zergling (25 or 30 dmg) and 11 or 12 hits from the other (55 or 60 dmg) resulting in a max total of 90 damage. PROTOSS WINS! His shield has soaked up 60 and his heal got hit for 30 more.
Example 2:
Let’s pretend Timmy decides not to save his money for mineral collecting drones and instead opts for 4 Zerglings.
Joe, on the other hand, is still holding his minerals out for drones, and he certainly has more reason to, as his 1 Zealot costs the same as 4 Zerglings – he’s gonna need cash fast!
This time, Joe’s Zealot engages the 1st Zergling and all 4 start wailing on his flimsy blue shield.
This time, Joe’s Zealot is going to take 8 x 5dmg for every swing of his Slicey-Slicey Protoss blades. How quickly the parallelism of the Zerg has swung the balance.
Joes Zealot hit the 1st Zergling for 17, and in the process takes 8 Zergling hits, resulting in 40dmg. Ouch. Before he’s hit it again for another 17, he’s taken another 40 dmg. Captain! Shields are buckling!
By the time he has killed the first Zergling, Joe’s poor beleaguered Zealot has taken 120 dmg, out of possible 160 before he dies (discounting all sorts of tiny things like single points of shield regeneration and Zergling health regen).
The Zealot swings around to face his 2nd attacker – yet two more persist! He takes 30 more dmg before landing his 1st blow, and another 30 before he expires. For Aiur, as they say.
From this example, we can see in action the power of the parallel design and build philosophy of the Zerg (as well as being an interesting in examination the risk/reward potential of early game mineral to fighter unit production).
And thusly, I conclude my investigation into the off balance world of Starcraft. The Zerg, by employing a strategy of parallelism offset their weakness, including the squishy nature of their little Zerglings.
I hope you have enjoyed this delicious Theory Crafting romp through a small, small subsection of the Starcraft domain, and I acknowledge the fact that this analysis is very reductionist – I felt that a more holistic approach that attempted to include every little possibility such as who hits first in battle, and at what rate does health and shields regen, was out of the scope of this little blog post, as well as bordering nigh on impossible. Also, I didn’t compare the Zerlings to the Terran Marine because it is a more complicated affair, as the marine is ranged and… well… I’m sure you can imagine how that can complicate this kind of analysis.
Feel free to leave a comment, or ignore them as you will.
[Humorous side note – after spending an hour or so writing down stats about each race’s unit and buildings, I forgot how to spell the Protoss race – 1 ‘S’ or 2? It’s two, in case you were also wondering.]