Monday, 5 May 2008

Another Post, another... BORKED PROMISE...

If you have been a follower of Stereo Left, Right, Centre you'll know that in my last post and subsequent follow-up comments I promised a certain Corvus Elrod a follow up post to answer some of his questions regarding my contribution to the month of April's Blog du Round Tableau (NB: not real french) and that, my readers, is just another one to add to the list of *BROKEN PROMISES*.

This is starting to get predictable. I make a comment about what's coming up on the Blog, and then I never get round to it. How cliche.

Moving right along, I just wanted to mention a little something cool that I discovered recently. If you have your finger ANYWHERE AT ALL near the pulse of the music industry then you'll know that recently a little British band released this album called In Rainbows and, as they say it in the Old Testament, we "saw that it was good". The real kicker though was that it costs whatever you choose to pay for it. I'm down for that!

Well, this is also a little bit of old news (hey, cmon - I post like, once a month, you gotta expect that a bit) but some other guys from a different part of the world have also released an album basically for free.

Trent Reznor and his groupies band have released a really quite excellent instrumental album, or more accurately, four of them, entitled Ghosts I-IV.

Yay free music! Great, but not what I'm most chuffed about (I pirate all my music anyway - sorry) - instead, I'm really pumped that they've included album artwork for every. single. song.

Not impressed? Well, they're wondrous high-res photos that (i assume) are meant to represent something about the song, or it's production. I couldn't find a link-able example but trust me, they're pretty cool.

So, like I said, it's free, go grab the torrent for it from The Pirate Bay or your favorite torrent tracker and listen away. Track numbers 21 and 22 come with my personal recomendation. ;-)

Finally, to end this very ad-hoc post, a link to my Last FM music profile, and a quick plug of the conference I am attending this weekend: The Convergence of the Real and Virtual Conference, the first academic conference being held solely in the virtual World of Warcraft!